“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover”
Mark TwainImage


“Its not exercise or the nutrition regime. Its to walk your talk and believe in yourself, because at the end of the day, the dumbbell and diet don’t get you in shape. Its your accountability to your word”
Brett HoebelImage

PLS RT, from flab to flat!!

ImageLast week I gave you one of the biggest secrets to achieving a flat stomach. So, how’s it going? Have you started eating breakfast regularly? Have you noticed any changes? I know from experience, that my clients feel more alert and focused for the day compared to not eating breakfast that makes them more sluggish, unproductive and miserable.

So my next big tip of the week is.

Always deadlift and squat!! These are my favorite exercises, as they will make you stronger and more defined. They target all major muscle groups especially your buttocks (gluts), stomach (abdominals) and thighs. Try super-setting both exercises together, that means performing both exercises back to back with no recovery, 3 sets of 12 reps.

You can incorporate these exercises into any fitness routine and I guarantee you will see results in a short period of time.

Now remember your not going to see changes overnight but as you integrate these exercises into your routine they will give you a good platform to start from.

I hope this week’s blog has been useful and please share it with others, feel free to get connected with me on.

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Adam Strong is a Personal Trainer, Athlete, Author and Transformation Coach. His company Xclusive Corporate Fitness specialises in combating burnout and depression using positive motivation, corrective exercise and nutritional strategies. He has creating a 12-step programme for city executives that are stressed, exhausted and overworked.

Adam Strong +44 (0) 7738-276169

The secrets to maximising calorie burn and achieving a flat stomach!!

ImageOne of the most frequent requests I get asked is ‘what are you best tips to achieving a flat stomach’?
For busy people, we become distracted and lose focus on the way we look in the mirror. City executives and business owners don’t realise the importance on how physical appearance can have on self-confidence, self-esteem and our professional lives. But before I give you my best tips I want you to ask some questions to yourself. Why do you want to have a flat stomach? What will it mean to you if I helped you achieve that flat stomach? What are the consequences if you don’t have a flat stomach? What sacrifices and changes are you going to make to achieve your goal?
These questions are really designed to tap into your subconscious mind and really find out if this is what you truly want. The tips I give you may be challenging for some and easy for others, gather focus and I guarantee you will see remarkable results!!
If you follow these tips, they will turn your body into a furnace allowing you to burn fat more efficiently and get rid of that unwanted tyre around your waist. Each week I will reveal one tip to turn your body into a natural fat burning machine.

1) Never skip breakfast!!
Have you ever heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well its true. You have been asleep for 6-8 hours and its craving food. Breakfast gives your metabolism that kick-start to set you up for the rest of the day. Some people complain of not being hungry or having an appetite, the reason for this is because your body is out of routine and you have not developed a habit of eating breakfast. If this is you, perseverance, as I know it’s difficult initially but after a few days you will get used to it.
A good breakfast should contain proteins and healthy fats this will keep you fuller for longer and give you more energy.
• Free range scrambled eggs
• Smoked salmon and crème cheese
• Omelette and mixed veggie’s
• Porridge with mixed nuts

If you like my tips, then why not follow me on:
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Adam Strong is a Personal Trainer, Athlete, Author and Transformation Coach. He specializes in combating burnout and depression through positive motivation, maximizing calorie burning and re-energizing.
Adam Strong +44 (0) 7738-276169